woensdag 6 december 2017



Goedemorgen allemaal,

Vandaag zijn wij weer helemaal naar een andere kant van de wereld gereisd en zijn wij te gast in Canada.

Hier woont Beth en zij stelt zich zelf voor aan jullie.

Good morning all,
Today we are again at an other side of the world and we are a guest in Canada. 
Here lives Beth

My name is Beth Brovold...I live in Ontario Canada

I have been crafting pretty much my whole life...in one form or another.  I have been paper crafting for about 12 years...starting with scrapbooking then onto card making...I also LOVE making 3D paper projects!

Currently I am on 6 DT teams...I create my Bestie projects for the Scrapbook Stamp Society Challenge Blog...I joined the team in the spring of this year when I discovered just how much I had missed working with Sherri Baldy's fabulous "Bestie" images!!

I'd like to thank Dorothy and the Besties Dutch Girls for having me during their Christmas Festivities...thank you Ladies!!

Merry Christmas everyone...AND...have a happy healthy New Year!!!

Beth hartelijk dank voor jouw bijdrage aan onze kerstspecial en dat je onze gast wilde zijn. Wij wensen jou, jouw familie en vrienden een gelukkig kerstfeest en een heel voorspoedig 2018.
Morgen reizen wij verder, maar blijven wel in Canada en zijn te gast bij.......

Beth thank you very much for your contribution to our Christmas special and that you wanted to be our guest. We wish you, your family and friends merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Tomorrow we travel further to an other part of Canada and we are a guest by .......

8 opmerkingen:

  1. WOW - WONDERFUL gift bag Beth!
    Your image is so CUTE, your colouring AMAZING and all your flowers, ribbons & trims combine together to DELIGHT - LOVE IT ALL!

  2. Beth what a beautiful card you make,I like it very much..hugs Bea

  3. Thank you Ladies for having me...I LOVED working with this sweet image!!

    Wishing everyone a MOST Wonderful Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year!!

    Take care,

  4. Schitterend mooie creatie van Beth, toppie....

    groetjes Bea.

  5. Schitterende creatie Beth!
    Groetjes Joke
