vrijdag 15 december 2017


Dag 15

Goedemorgen allemaal,  Het zijn echt de donkere dagen voor kerstmis. De regen heeft alle sneeuw laten smelten en het is de hele dag koud, nat en donker. Zelfs overdag moet je een lamp aan hebben. Maar gelukkig gaan we vandaag weer een reis maken naar een warm land. Australië.

Hier woont Julie Gleesom. 

Good morning all,
It's really the dark days for Christmas. The rain has all the snow melt and it's all day
cold, wet and dark. Even during the day, you need  lamplight. But fortunately we go today again make a journey to a warm country. Australia.

Here lives Julie Gleesom. 

She is a stay at home Mum and has 5 kids, ranging in age from 26 down to 6, and a patient Hubby. They live at Macksville on the Mid North Coast of NSW Australia. She loves nothing more than doing crafts for relaxation and enjoyment. She has been making cards for the last 25 years.
She has studied Art full time over 5 years and loves all types of Art and Craft including, Painting, Folk Art, Ceramics, Jewellery, Mosaic, Teddy and Doll Making, Dance Costumes, and more recently Hair Accessories. She is a DT member and coordinator in the 3D and more team and The My Besties Aussie team. Julie
 thank you very much for your contribution to our Christmas special and that you wanted to be our guest We wish you, your family and friends a happy Christmas and a very prosperous 2018.

Using colored printable Letters For Santa Nov 17 3D

Morgen zijn we weer terug en dan zijn we in Venezuela te gast.
Tomorrow we will be back and then we are to guest in Venezuela

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Ook een prachtige creatie gemaakt door Julie....

    groetjes Bea.

  2. Beautiful Julie! Like all the details!

  3. Gorgeous card Julie. Love the layering that you do. Of course I still would like to see your coloring, love it when you do the watercolor look too.
    Smiles Sher

    LOVE your card Julie! The image, colours, dimension and design are wonderful!
